
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jack’s been taking karate every Tuesday after school since August, and he loves it!  Sam and I went to watch today, and I’m so glad we did.  It was too cute and they all looked like the toughest little karate babies!imageimageimageBut what he (and I!) was most looking forward to was his chance to break a board!  They get to attempt this once a month, and this is the first I’d heard about it!!  First, he got his new belt,imageand then-his first attempt,imagehis second,imageand his third.  No break this time, but he said it was a hard board, the Crane board, and that he’d keep working on it.  I think only two kids broke the board they were working on.  imageHe waited for the rest of the class to take their turns by making fishy faces at me, imageand then class was over.  I’m so thankful I was able to watch!  Ooooh, I loved it, and I’m SO proud of him!image

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