Three Months Old

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy, happy thing! Cannot believe you’re three months old already, but here we are! So thankful to be your momma!imageYou are such a smiley thing right now-you smile the most for daddy. When he tells you that you’re pretty, you smile every time! Your beauty comes from the inside out, and we thank your Heavenly Father for that! With His help, we’ll teach you that! You’ve been talking and laughing some, too, and it’s so sweet!image

You eat every four-ish hours and still sleep though the night. Just last night we gave up your 10pm feeding, and you did great! You woke up at 7:30! You’ve been a really great nurser and sleeper from the start, and I’m so thankful!  You nap a lot throughout the day after about an hour or hour-and-a-half of play time. I read Baby Wise before Jack was born, and it’s been great for all three of you. Eat, play, sleep, and repeat.  Since we’re on the go a lot with your brothers, you nap a lot in your carrier. So glad you like it so much!image

You’re in some 0-3 month and some 3-6 month clothes and size one diapers. So little compared to the boys!  Speaking of the boys, they love you SO much!  They want to be around you, hold you, help you, and just entertain you-anything to get a smile!  Sam came to check on your while we were taking three-month pictures.  Sweet boy!imageimageimageGod loves you more than you’ll ever be able to comprehend, sweet one, but mommy and daddy hope to be able to show you some of His grace and love. With his help baby girl! Love you so!image

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