Happy NINE months, doll baby! You are the sweetest, smiley-est thing, just like your brothers, and we are so, so thankful!You have crawling all figured out, and it’s so cute! And you’re fast! You get where you want, when you want! And when you crawl, your tongue is usually sticking out. It’s actually sticking out a lot of the time-like when you smile!
You’re a great eater. We still nurse at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and you eat pureed food at each meal, too. No teeth yet, so no real solid foods just yet. We have tried the Gerber wheels and your brothers have given you Cheerios. You’ve loved it all!
You sleep like a champ, praise God!, and still take two good naps a day. Wake at 7:30, nap from 9:15ish to 11:15ish, back down from 1:00 to 4:00, then bed time at 7:30. Love our schedule! Still in size two diapers and you wear six to nine month clothes. Sweet pea!
Your brothers entertain you all the time-you all love it! They like to pick you up, snuggle you, talk to you, and make you laugh. Melts my heart! You say “dadadada” all the time, and you’ve started saying “yaa yaaa yaaa”, too. I love to hear you babble!
You’re no where near walking , but you love to practice when daddy holds your hands. Love watching that!
You’re the sweetest, most cuddly, happy little love bug, and we praise God every time we think about you! We love you sweet girl!
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