Happy Halloween!!
From our Megalodon, Hammerhead, and baby goldfish!We headed over to the Dennis’ for the neighborhood trick-or-treat pre-party then out to gather some loot! Our sharks in action!
They’re still at the age where they don’t last too long, so after ten or so houses, we were back home. When we were going to bed, I asked them their favorite part of Halloween, and they said giving out the candy! Jack decided that each trick-or-treater should get two pieces, so he portioned it out and hand about ten piles ready to go at all times. Sometimes little brother and sister would disrupt that order and cause some drama, but he worked it out and it was such a fun night!
Jack’s Halloween walk
Sam’s first Halloween Walk!
Carving our pumpkins
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Jack gutted them both himself this year! Sam helped a little, but Jack took control and got it done-with tons of seeds for us to roast, too!
Country Adventures!
The nutritionist
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Jack is studying nutrition at school right now, and it’s amazing what he’s learning! He came grocery shopping with me today and checked the sugar content of every. single. item before it went in our cart! Every one! It took much longer to shop but it was great to give him that chance to practice what he’s learning! Love this little smarty pants!
Sam’s first field trip!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
These boys are growing up!
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Arden at Little Lambs wanted to give us a bow tie in exchange for some pictures of Jack modeling it. What?! My t-tiny in a bow tie?! ‘Tis true, and he was eating it up! Sam was having the best time, too! Checking out his big brother,asking him to dance, and breaking it down! The world is their stage and I’m so thankful to be in the audience! I love them so!
Oooooh, he’s so handsome!
And look at that Sammers! Handsome boy!
Annnnndddd how I know we’re done! Wrestle time!!
Eleven Months Old!
Oh gracious! You’re eleven months old! How in the world did that happen?! You smiley, happy thing-we love you so!This past month you’ve started to stand for a few seconds at a time. In fact, when we took these pictures at the pumpkin patch, you stood all by yourself for the first time! Jack saw it with me, and he was so amazed-and proud!
You don’t even realize you’re doing it, and when you do, you fall. The boys are both getting a kick out of it, and we are, too!
Nothing had changed with your schedule over the last month. You’re still an expert eater and sleeper (still two naps a day and down by 7:30 for the night), and we’re incredibly thankful for that!
You are such a joy, Margaret girl! God’s ways are ALWAYS higher than our ways, and that we know for sure. We are so grateful that His will was done and that YOU were delivered safely and perfectly healthy into our family!
We love you, sweet thing!