Three Weeks Old

Friday, March 13, 2009

We love you so much, Jack a Roo!  We can't imagine life without you, and we thank God for you every day!
Mommy and Daddy


Amy said...

Just wait...counting by days soon turns to counting by weeks, which turns to counting by months, which of course turns to counting by years! :( And now people think it's weird that I still say Em's 20 months instead of a year and a half! It's true, they seem to grow up way too fast, so enjoy these early moments and continue to document'll be glad you did. He's adorable!

Michelle said...

I know!! I can't believe it's going by so fast, but now I'm every time is does something new, it's my favorite!

And you're right, I don't want to forget a thing! :)

Emerson and Brooks said...

The swaddle is key- you guys are doing such a great job. Jack sounds like a perfect baby! Good idea on the bottle, it is a good thing for Mark to bond with him as well.

Meagan said...

Michelle, he is the most beautiful baby. Jenn tells me how great you all are doing. Not to my surprise, you just got the "mom" thing without any problem. Congratulations. Love you.

Michelle said...

Aw, thanks Kim and Meagan!! We can't wait for you both to meet him and for him to meet Emerson and Wade!!

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