The simple things

Friday, September 18, 2009

These days, it’s the simple things that bring the biggest smile to my face. Like watching these boys together, for instance. Watching the love of my life and the love of our lives play and laugh-I don’t think it can get much better than this!image Our boy loves to stand, and even though he’s no where near walking, he loves to pick up his feet and “dance”!image

He’s so snuggly right now, and I LOVE it! Everyone knows that I’m a total hugger, and hugs from that little guy are extra sweet!imageimageAnd those kisses! He loves to give open mouth, sweet baby slobber kisses! We’ll take that any time, sweet boy!image

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have never seen Mark happier! So glad you guys are having a blast with Jack.