Interview with a One-Year-Old

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Every age so far has been my favorite, so at this first year mark, I thought I’d ask Jack a few his favorites-and a few other things too. He changes so fast, so in honor of his birthday month, here goes!Picture2

So, Jack-what’s your favorite toy? Anything that’s not a toy. I love boxes, spoons, remotes, bath wash bottles, & paper towel rolls. I also love cups and playing with daddy's belts!

What is your favorite thing to eat? I LOVE my vegetables! Peas, Carrots, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and green beans are my favorite. I also love cheese-by itself, on a sandwich, in a quesadilla-I’m not picky. In the morning, I eat a whole banana all by myself, and in no time flat!

Tell me about the most recent time you made your mamma’s heart melt? Well, I’m pretty good at that! But I’d have to say last night. She was singing to me and praying with me before bed, and I had my head on her shoulder looking up at her saying softly, “Mama-Mama-Mama”. Then she kissed me and laid me in my crib, and I said “Mama” again a couple times and then fell asleep!

You’re so right, buddy! Mommy almost teared up walking out of your room! How about your daddy? Each morning when daddy is getting ready for work, I follow him around really closely because I don’t want him to leave! Sometimes I’ll run off with one of his socks, and sometimes a hide a shoe! I really appreciate how hard he works, but boy do I hate to see him leave! If I’m not in my mommy’s arms, I’ll follow my daddy to the door and then collapse in tears when he walks out. I sure love my daddy!

Picture3What are some of your favorite skills? Let’s see. I like to clap my hands, touch my belly and my nose, jump (he squats a little bit and then stands up locking out his knees), and I’m starting to run! I started pointing at things that I want and saying “that”, and I can follow simple commands from mommy and daddy. One of their favorite things I do is give them kisses and high fives! I also help mommy do the laundry by pushing all the buttons on the washer and dryer! I’m pretty good at hiding things too! :)

What are your favorite words? I love to say mama and dada (another way to melt our hearts!), and I can say ball, wow, and that. I also like to make lots of different sounds-that really makes my mommy and daddy laugh!!

Mark and I look at each other still in awe that this little boy is ours! He makes us bubble over with laughter and joy-I can’t put into words how much we love him! Like I said at Lindsey’s baby shower, becoming a parent makes me realize how much my own parents love me! What a great feeling! I love you mama and deed!


Mom said...

You guys are doing a great job of parenting with proud of you both.. We love you more xxoo

Lindsey said...

Well Jack, seems you are quite the entertainer and a waaaaayyyyy better eater then your mommy. Keep up the good work. I look forward to more interviews. :) Love you!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. Jack is precious. This blog is dangerous though...reading all this is going to make me want another baby!! :)
-Catherine L.
ps.the bday party was out of control!