Here’s {some of} the month of February from my phone. The first picture is the beautiful day Ethan was born!
From my phone
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
A field trip!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Jack at three
Monday, February 20, 2012
Oh, sweet boy! Can you really be THREE?! That makes me so happy and gives me a lump in my throat all at the same time. So happy because you’re a healthy, growing, happy little boy, and the lump-because I can’t believe it’s already been three years!Just the other week, I filled out a survey for day school about different everyday skills, and it was so fun! After doing our ‘homework’ together, I was able to check that you’ve mastered all of the skills with the exception of holding a pencil correctly every time. You can do it if you want to, but not if you’re in a rush. We’ll work on it!
You can put your shoes and coat on by yourself, hop on one foot, walk backward (you move your arm up and down like a robot when you do this, and it cracks me up!), cut with scissors, stack blocks-you know, fun three-year-old things!
I need to take more videos of you (and your brother!) because you say and do the funniest things right now! You still ask ‘why’ a lot, but that hasn’t gotten old yet. You can say most of The Lord’s Prayer by yourself, and that just warms this mamma’s heart. I love to see God working in your heart already!
You are a rough and tumble boy, for sure, and love to build, wrestle, jump, play football/basketball/baseball/soccer/golf-any kind of boy thing! You’ve got a strong will and let us know that you have a better plan some time, but when you pitch a fit, a trip to the stairs or a distraction usually does the trick.
You’re also the sweetest, most lovable three-year-old I can imagine. You love your brother, and, even though you really want to wrestle him, you’re always making sure he’s ok and has what he needs. You go to his room as soon as you wake up and hop into his crib to play. I love to hear those sweet sounds-until I hear Sam squeal! Gentle, loving, and kind buddy! You’re such a snuggler with daddy and me, too. LOVE. IT!
There is so much more to say about you, t-tiny, so be sure to read your journal when you grow up and are reminiscing, ok?! You’ve been such a blessing to your daddy, your brother, and me (and countless others!), and we love you more than words can say! We’re so thankful for YOU! Happy birthday, sweet first born!
Jack’s birthday {via Instagram}
Super Jack is THREE!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Almost! We celebrated today at a Superhero party with our favorite Superheroes, and we had a great time! See the birthday boy doing a dance to welcome his guests? Kidding! He was really running down the steps so he could jump off!Jack’s second year. That first picture was taken on his second birthday. I can’t wait to compare that picture with a picture from his third birthday.
Superhero Gear was waiting to welcome the superheroes. I thought they’d dress up right away, but most decided to pack them up to take home.
Super Em was looking pretty super!
Uncle Joey, Anna, and Eva were looking great, too!
We thankfully had great weather, so the superheroes played outside,
had Power Painting done on their arms and faces,
and had super swords, Batman, dogs, frogs, you name it!, made by Super Joey. We love him!
Sam played with grandpa, and his very own sword!,
and Boland had fun with the toys and his big sister! He got his very own sword, too!
The superheroes used a lot of energy saving the day, so we had lunch for them.
And of course some birthday sweets!
Side note on the cookies: Jack came downstairs the morning after I made these and saw them laying on the counter. With such excitement, he said, “Wo, momma! Look what you made! Those are the bestest cookies ever! I can’t wait to eat one!” He made my day, and that is one of the reasons why it’s worth some late nights decorating and baking for him.
Kendall enjoyed her lunch and a cupcake, and sweet Ethan enjoyed a nap on his mama!
And then it was birthday cake time!
(cake, and cupcake toppers, by Burghardt’s Custom Cakes-she’s amazing!)
The birthday boy hopped on up (and then I switched his seat for better lighting!), got his mask all situated, and then put his nervous face on while we all sang to him.
And his favorite part-
Oooohhh, we love this almost three-year-old!
I went to get the plates and cake server, and Amy caught Jack sneaking a lick! Crazy boy! (Thanks for taking these pictures, Aim!)
Our boy enjoyed his cake (not only was it pretty, but it was delicious! I really recommend Lauren!), and before we knew it, it was naptime for all the superheroes.
Thank you all for celebrating Super Jack’s 3rd birthday with us-you definitely saved the day!