Jack’s (second) football party!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
We had a football party for Jack last year, but every time I asked him what kind of party he wanted for his fifth birthday, he would ask for a football party again. Football party it is! This time, at the park!Oh, and the jersey’s-he’s been in to High School Musical lately, and they’re the Wildcats, so he wanted Wildcat Football jerseys! Love that boy!
Thanks, Grandpa, for letting Margaret in on the action!
Happy, happy birthday to you, sweet boy!
And I will ALWAYS kiss you-even in front of your buddies! That’s a privilege I have as your mamma! :)
Jack’s piece!
Sweet Callie-girl!
Robbie Rabbit was with us for the weekend, so he came to the party, too!
We had such a fun time celebrating this boy with friends! Thankful for each one who came to help him feel so loved!
Birthday celebrations
Thursday, February 20, 2014
You’re FIVE!!
Still four
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Fifth birthday-eve
Cannot believe we’re about to have a FIVE year old. Really?? Wahhhhhh!!!!! As hard as I try, I can’t stop this boy from growing up (and of course I’m so thankful for his healthy growth, but you know what I mean), so we bake instead. Tonight we made his cupcakes to bring to his classmates.When I dreamt about being a mommy, one of the things I thought about was making birthday treats for school birthday celebrations. It’s even better than I thought it would be!