Today’s nap

Monday, September 6, 2010

Jack did not want to take his nap today, and he put up a great fight!  I checked on him on the monitor and saw that he sat down, and then I noticed that he was in the same position for a bit.  Mark and I thought surely he wasn’t sleeping like that, so I went to check, and sure enough!  Poor little guy finally gave in!imageI had to take a picture, but then I laid him down-and he woke up! :)


Emerson and Brooks said...

I am laughing out loud over here! That is one for the baby book and future dates of Mr. Jack! I love it!!! Chris enjoyed seeing you as well last Thursday. You look great, Michelle!

Mom said...

LOL!!!! TIMES INFINITY. You would think he would just give in funny

Wayne said...

Jack you will need thick skin when your mom brings all of these pictures out in about 18 years.... Keep it up we love them!!!

Erin said...

So cute! Love that you caught it on camera before moving him!

Leah Avery said...

This is too funny! Kid has skills! I'm pretty sure he can pull this off in class one day!