His first day in the Toddler-Twos

Monday, August 20, 2012

This little one-he’s such a happy, go-with-the-flow kind of baby.  And this morning was no different.  He had his last day in the Toddler-Ones on Thursday, and today he moved to the cot-napping, cup-drinking classroom.  Nope, not possible, but yep, it happened.imageHe has Ms. Tina, who Jack had and LOVED, and sweet Ms. Dorthea.  He walked in like he’d been there forever and sat down to play with the new toys.  “Wood, block!  Wood, block!”, he said.  I got a big squeeze and a kiss, he told me, “I lu loo” and “Byeeee!” and then he walked off.  Wow, really?!imageWhen I picked him up, Ms. Tina said he, and three out of his five classmates!, fell asleep right away on the cots.  Can’t wait to see a picture of that!  SO thankful for such a great first day, Sammy!  Can’t wait to see all you’ll make and all you’ll learn this year!  Be a good boy!!

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