Sam’s first dentist visit
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
It’s snowing! It’s snowing! School was cancelled yesterday with a promise of snow. We got nothing but a fun day off school! We went to bed hoping today would be the day we’d see the white stuff, and sure enough! It’s everywhere! We got so much snow! It reminds me of GR, so I love it! SO many fun memories in the GR snow! I’m excited to be making some snow memories with our little family, too!Margaret’s first snow!
We had to go outside one more time before bed!
And from my phone…
He loves her SO, too!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
He loves her SO!
Friday, January 17, 2014
Two Month Well Check
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Two Months Old!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Happy TWO MONTH birthday, sweet girl! Time is fling, just like it did with your brothers, and I don’t want to forget any of this!You are such a content, happy girl-you still sleep most of the time! When you’re awake, you’ll look around for a little bit, but then you want to be loved on. Fine by us! We all want to love on you, too! And it’s so fun to watch you with your brothers. We still have to watch Sam and remind him to be gentle, he thinks you’re bigger than you are!, but Jack knows just how to hold you. If you’re fussing, you usually stop if Jack’s holding you! So sweet! You also love for us to sing to you. You’ll just stare up and be so still.
You’re a wonderful sleeper! Like I said, you still sleep most of the time, so we don’t have a real nap schedule yet. You love your carrier, which is a good thing because we’re on the go a lot with your brothers. You sleep in that just fine! At night, I feed you at 10pm and then you’re up between 6:30 and 7am. Yay! (Started this at five and a half weeks) During the day, you’re ok going four hours between feedings, but for the most part, we’re keeping it every three hours.
You’re in size one diapers and still in your newborn gowns. I love having a tiny one! I’m hanging on to them as long as we can, but I’m sure you’re about to move to the 0-3 or 3 month sizes. As long as you’re healthy and growing we’ll be happy to move up in sizes!
You’ve shown us your sweet smile, and it’s the cutest! You’re wanting to coo, and you’ve done it a time or two but nothing big time yet. Almost!
We love you to bits and pieces, sweet girl! God has big plans for you and we’re thankful He gave you to us! He picked you just for our family and we are so, so grateful for that!
Margaret’s Baptism Day
Sunday, January 12, 2014
What a blessing this day was! Margaret Elaine, today we received you into the Household of God! We made many important promises today, and we intend to keep them, with God’s help and the help of so many others that love you so much! You were such a good girl during the service. We were the last of five families to present a baby for baptism, and you were asleep the entire time. When it was your turn for Susan to baptize you, she soaked you with each splash, and you woke right up with a cry! Sweetest little sound! Alleluia!After a wonderful service at church, we hosted family and friends for a luncheon in Margaret’s honor. So thankful for each and everyone of them!
I used our wedding cake topper beside her baptism cake. It’ll be so fun to see it on her wedding cake one day a LONG TIME from now! :)
She wore our family Baptismal gown. Third generation and twenty something baby to wear it-including me and the boys, Linds and her kids, and mom. Made, with love, by great grandma Woudenburg. So special!
Margaret, we can’t wait for you to realize how important these people will be in your life! You’re so loved, sweet girl!
The godparents-Uncle Eddie and Aunt Clark. SO thankful for the example these two will be for Margaret!
With our godchildren-love that sweet Thomas!
Margaret, today you were sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ’s own forever!
“There is one Body and one Spirit. There is one hope in God’s call to us. One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism. One God and Father of all.”