The little two
I just LOVE when they wake from nap!
Her first knock knock joke! I love it!!!
And we just play! I mean look at this face! I just want to eat him up!
And what about this dream come true (for mommy!) moment! I can’t wait for her to be a little ballerina! But for now, we just try on our big cousin’s old shoes!
Four Month Well Visit
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Four Months Old
Monday, August 24, 2015
Sweet George! You’ve been our baby for four months now, and we couldn’t be more in love! You are the sweetest thing and it seems like you’ve always been a part of our family! You are so animated and give the best, full face smiles when we look at you-it’s contagious and just the best!
You have a schedule that we stick to, but you’re also very flexible, which is really a good thing! We come and go a lot around here! You eat every four to five hours and take two good naps and one little cat nap each day.
You are about ready to roll over! You can do tummy to back, but that’s mostly gravity. You’ve almost got back to belly, but one arm stops you.
You slept through the night at about six weeks, but lately you’ve been waking up again. I remember Margaret doing the same thing. It’s only a quick nursing and then you’re back to sleep. Sweet moments, you and me! And you’re still in our closet because we’re renovating and you don’t yet have a room!
Your siblings are still crazy about you, and how could they not be?! The boys love to make you laugh and Margaret is a little mommy to you. Watching it all melts my heart! I’m so grateful for all of you kids!
Daddy and I love you more than words can say, sweet George. But Jesus loves you more! I pray that we would show you that and that you would never remember a day without Him in your little life!
First Days of School!
Thursday, August 20, 2015
August 17th-first day of the Fours (Mrs. Jeanne and Mrs. Robin)We had helpers getting Sam to his first day, and he loved it!
Then we had our traditional first day of school cookie chat when we picked him up and got home!
August 18th-first day of the Toddler II class (Ms. Barbara)
Margaret is going Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9-12. She walked right in today and was ready to play!
August 20th-first day of First Grade (Mrs. Cote)
He’s such a big boy! He let me walk him in to school, but when we got through the double doors, he said he could take it from there. So I let him go. And kept my eyes on that baby boy of mine until I lost him in the sea of people. I know my job is to raise him to become independent and one day leave me, but already?! So proud of you, Jacky boy!
This school year’s Bible verse: “Be joyful always, pray continuously, give thanks always. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
Here’s to a great year for the big three!
George’s first dip!
Sunday, August 16, 2015
The Horseshoe
Monday, August 10, 2015
Sink babies
Thursday, August 6, 2015
George’s Baptism Day!
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Today, George was ‘Sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism, and marked as Christ’s own forever’! It was such a special day!
George, and our family as a whole!, are so blessed to have two wonderful god parents-Wanda and Shaun. I know they, and their families, will both be such blessings in his life!
I missed any pictures of the delicious food, but we had Jack Brantley cater for us, and he did such a great job! We left for church, and when we came home, the beautiful china was out and the buffet was ready! Loved it!
So thankful for everyone that came to celebrate our sweet boy and our newest Christian! I can’t wait to see how God will use him and work in his life! Glory be to God for this indescribable gift!