Carving our pumpkins

Monday, October 29, 2012

Tonight was carving night, because, you know, it’s almost Halloween!  How did October fly by?!  These are the two that we carved.  One little boy was very excited-I almost didn’t get a before picture!imageThe set-up…imageand Jack cleaning out the little one.  He was loving it!  This is the first year he’s actually liked this part.imageimageimageSam, on the other hand, was confused as to why Mark was asking him to stick his hands in the guts.  So funny!imageJack stayed pretty busy, and Sam joined in once we got him a big spoon.imageimageimageimageimageimageThe pumpkins were all clean, so it was time to carve.  Sam was completely uninterested by this point, so he grabbed a good book.  imageWe’re pretty traditional pumpkin carvers.  As a matter of fact, the small pumpkin is pretty much what we did last year!imageBut unlike last year, we got plenty of pumpkin seeds!  Yum!!!  imageJack asked Mark to light up our new jack-o-lanterns right away, and he starred at them in awe.  And that lasted two seconds!  Of course he wanted to blow out the candles!imageimageIt sure was a fun family night!imageimage

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