We hope you have a great day celebrating!!
We love you!
Mark, Michelle, and Jack
We’re still practicing sitting up, and he’s getting better! He can sit by himself for about 30 seconds-or until something fun catches his eye! He’ll reach for whatever it is, and then he loses his balance!
He’s also talking a lot! He squeals, and coos, and makes all kind of new, fun sounds! He changes his inflection a lot, and it’s fun to watch him-he always looks so proud of himself!
He decided to focus on his lovey and fell over, but he didn’t take his eye off the prize!Do you see that sweet tongue? I think he just recently found that!
We headed out to the Black’s pool yesterday with Meredith, Amy, and Uncle Doug, and Jack took his first swim! He fussed for a second-the water was cold compared to his bath water!-but then he seemed to enjoy himself! He splashed and smiled and laughed, and for the most part just hung out in one of our laps.
He swam so hard that he wore himself out and took a nap in my arms-I was LOVING that!
We had a great time and enjoyed relaxing outdoors on a beautiful Saturday. Thanks for inviting us, Amy, and thanks for having us, Mary and Jack!
We hope you have a great day turning three and get to eat some more yummy cake!
We love you!
Mark, Michelle, and Jack
We tried to feed Jack some baby food again-tonight, the menu was oatmeal and butternut squash-YUM! I’ve been told to put a little of the fruit or vegetable on the spoon with the oatmeal cereal to help give it a flavor, so that’s what we did. Jack did not like that! Maybe he already has a food thing like his momma-not wanting his food to touch! :) We tried each separately as well, but still no luck. I know it’s way too early to tell, but if he’s a picky eater, he’ll come by it rightly!
When Mark and I sat down to eat, Jack had his eyes on us and was reaching for our salads. I really do think he’s ready for food, just unsure of what we’re doing. I know we have to continue to introduce the foods to him, so we’ll keep trying!
He’s just as happy eating his toes right now! :)
21 weeks, 5 days
So, baby boy, you’ve been the light of our lives for the last five months, and we can honestly say that we have never been happier! Each day is something new, and we love, love learning about you!
Your little personality has really come out this month, and it is so neat to watch! You are still a laid back boy and are so funny! We can tell when you want to play and when you’re ready to rest. You’ve gotten really good at reaching for your toys, and, you guessed it, putting them directly into your mouth! That does come in useful for you when you’re resting and you’ve taken your paci out-now you can put it back in by yourself! And you do this funny thing where you chew on your paci with your bottom teeth only!
Your daddy read that you are probably about to be at the stage where you prefer mommy or daddy over others. While we want you to be a happy boy in the arms of all who love you, I think we’ll secretly love that! :)
At night time you still sleep like a champ. You still nurse for the last time at 7pm and go to bed at about 8pm. Some nights you’re just not ready to sleep, so you lay with us and wind down for a little bit. That is such a precious time for us! At five months, you still like to be swaddled. Dr. Trey said that’s just fine, so we’ll keep it up until you’re ready! We think we do a good job of getting you snuggly wrapped, but we love to go get you in the morning and see where in your crib you’ve managed to get to, and how much of your blanket you still have on!
This month we tried rice cereal, and you did not like it! I bought some oatmeal today, and we’ll give it a shot when we get back from Michigan, if not sooner. You’re about to go on your second plane ride to GR!!
You’re SO happy when you’re playing with your daddy, and the two of you are just too funny!
After playing in your exersaucer for a while now, you’ve learned a few animal noises. You guys go through all five of them each morning, and the lion is your favorite! I LOVE that sweet laugh-your daddy gets it every time!
Even though we usually call you everything but, I think you know your name now! You’ve also started reaching for us just a little bit, and when you do it for real, I think I’ll completely melt!
You are such a gift, little one! We are totally amazed at what God has created and are so thankful that you were given to us!! We love you more today than yesterday!
Mommy and Daddy
So my dad's not at all biased and thinks this is the new face of Bumbo! :) Jack does love it, and we've gotten great use out of it, so I would be more than happy to give it a great review!! I think he likes the view he has sitting up, and now that he can reach his feet, he's quite entertained!
We enjoyed lunch and the British Open today with Grandma and Grandpa Thomas and Uncle Doug. Thanks so much for coming up to visit and for the farm animal toys you brought for Jack! For now, they go directly into his mouth, but I know he'll figure out that they make sounds soon!
When they left, we all got to take a Sunday snooze, including a power nap from our little man-sleeping from 1:30 to 3:45, waking to eat at 4, and then falling back asleep until 5:30. I guess he was still catching up from all the excitement he had yesterday at Emmie's party! :)
I found out about Windows Live Writer from a photography blog that I read, so I downloded it and wanted to try it out with one of my new favorite pictures. It has some pretty neat features, and it is very user friendly! Give it a try-I bet you'll like it!20 weeks, 5 days