Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Memorial Day Firsts
Monday, May 30, 2011
We celebrated this Memorial Day with a couple firsts.
Sam had his first bite today! I was totally fighting it (I love that he’s just nursing! Today it’s his first spoonful of food, and tomorrow it’s kindergarten! How is he ready for food?!), but I know these things happen, ready or not.
He seemed interested at first and then quickly decided it wasn’t for him! Mark tried again, but with no luck.
This little boy didn’t think the oatmeal cereal looked too tastey, either.
I tried as well, but our boy was not loving it.
So we cleaned him up, and he spotted Sophie so all was well. We’ll try again soon! And I’m secretly happy that he’s not interested! :)
Jack had a first today, too. His first ice cream sandwich! He’s never seen one before, so I asked him what he was eating. He checked it out, said, “I tink dis is ice cream, mommy.”,
and then he devoured the whole thing-eating it just like a sandwich!
It was a great Memorial Day! We’re so indebted to everyone who has answered the call to serve this great country of ours! Thank you for your service!
Our PJ babes
Thursday, May 26, 2011
There’s just not much that’s more cuddly than this.
27 months, 6 days and 22 weeks, 6 days
From my phone
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
We went to Family Night at Chick-Fil-A tonight, and Jack stayed busy keeping his eye on ‘that big cow’. (“He not gonna come get me, mommy!”) I just learned that we can trade in our Kid’s Meal toy for an after dinner treat (did you know that?), so Jack got some icre cream tonight. I got my phone out to snap a cute picture, and here’s how it went:
“Buddy, smile for mommy really quick, please.” See picture one-new slightly cheesy smile. “No, show me your real smile.” See picture two-silly face that made me laugh thinking that that’s what he thought his real smile was like! And then I got picture three, his real smile, because he was laughing with me! Such a fun little moment with my growing-up-way-too-fast boy!And Sam was with us, too! He took a nap for most of dinner but then woke up to talk to us a little bit. That’s his new thing, and we’re loving it!
Jack’s Spring Program
Friday, May 20, 2011
My t-tiny did me proud this morning! Today was his Spring Program at school, and it was all just too cute! We started the morning with his gymnastics showcase, and these three friends were ready to show their stuff!They even received medals! Great job Lucy, Jack, and Hane!
Then it was time for the big Program! He’s been reciting Humpty Dumpty, so I wondered if his class was doing that. Turns out Humpty was a main part of the ‘set’, so they must have talked about him as they practiced. Their class song was “Ten in the Bed”, and they did such a great job!! Of course Jack and Hane were rocking out with guitars!
This was another mommy moment that made my heart almost burst. He was on stage during his Christmas Pageant but was too young to really participate, so this time he was ready-and he did so good! A huge grin appeared on my face the moment he stepped on stage, but really, how is my child old enough to be ‘performing’ on stage in front of all these people?! Great job, Jack a Roo! We’re so proud of you!!
Five Months Old
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sammy Lamby, you’re five months old and getting sweeter by the day! You’re still such a content little baby, and when you fuss it usually means you want to be in the middle of whatever’s going on. You don’t want to miss the fun!You're so fun to play with. You smile and giggle so easily and each one is more infectious than the last. Daddy, Jack, and I love to look your way or lay by you and watch those gums appear!
And I seriously can’t get enough of those cheeks! Your hair seems to be lightening up a bit, too.
When I was taking your picture today, Jack wanted to get ‘nakey’ too and lay on the ‘numbers’ with you. He’s so proud of you and thinks the world of you. He likes to get things for you, check on you, kiss you-he’s basically the best big brother you could ask for!
Sam, we think the world of you and thank the good Lord you’re ours! You’re the most lovable little guy around!
We love you!
Daddy and Mommy
Our funny, big boy
Monday, May 16, 2011
Doesn’t he look old?! I know he’s only two, but how is he already TWO? It’s happening too fast which makes me even more thankful for all our everyday silliness. I just want to soak him up! He’s been saying so much, really since he started talking, and I love it! A few of my recent favorites: 1. My birthday was the first of May, and he’s sung, “Happy BIRTHDAY to MOMMY!” every day since. So sweet! But I have to add-we’re starting to potty train, so sometimes it’s, “Happy Birthday to poopy!!” Nice, I know. 2. Although he doesn’t always obey them, he’s a rule repeater. He’ll just randomly tell us something we’ve taught him-“I don’t touch {such and such}. Only mommy can.” “After supper, then I get my M’s.”( m&m’s)
3. He’s got a great memory and often talks about places we’ve been or things we’ve done. There was a bird trapped in our back porch weeks ago. Mark propped the door open with a tool and shooed it out with a broom. Jack talks about that all. the. time. “Daddy got that bird! He got it with a broom. It’s not a baseball, mommy.” (Mark may have swung at it and I may have gotten scared and shrieked that the bird was in fact not a baseball) Just another reason why Mark is his hero!
4. I tucked him in for bed, and he rolled back over, looked up at me, and said, “Mommy, thanks for reading my books to me!” Oh!!!!! My pleasure little one! 5. And I’m loving his imagination! “Mommy, I play with the vacuum? I just pretend with it.” “Mommy, this my boat. I go on a boat trip. Wanna come?” 6. I put a new pair of sandals on him the other day, and he said, “Oh, mommy. Ava gonna like these!” No, sir. You may not have a girlfriend yet! 7. Since we’ve been to the doctor a handful of times lately, he likes to check our ears and eyes (or feet or knees or tummy…). He’ll take a tool, hold it on our ear for a few seconds (while looking seriously into our eyes…SO funny and SO hard not to laugh!) and then say, “It’s doing good!”
Oh, I don’t want to forget these precious things!
This afternoon
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Hmm, Hmm, Hmm!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Bumbo boy and Sunglasses boy
Monday, May 9, 2011
This is how we started our day
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Instead of church and brunch, we started our day at the doctor’s office. After playing hard all morning, Jack spiked a pretty high fever just after lunch yesterday. I called the doctor and he said to alternate Tylenol and Motrin every three hours and come in in the morning. Well, the medicine worked great-I took his temp again around four, it was 97.4, and he was back to eating and playing hard. We went in this morning and left with three prescriptions and a follow up appointment on Tuesday.Having a sick little one is such an uneasy feeling-I would take away any discomfort he’s feeling in a skinny minute if I could. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem a bit bothered. We think the medicine is actually making him even more silly! We’re praying all checks out well come Tuesday morning!
Side note: When I was putting Jack to bed tonight, he thanked God for Dr. Trey (our pediatrician) and Dr. Emery (the pediatrician on call) and said “thank you I didn’t push Dr. Emery (???) and I was a nice man when he looked in my ears.” Yes buddy, I’m thankful you were a “nice man”, too!
Happy Mother’s Day!
To the best mama a girl could ask for! Now that I’m so blessed to be a mom, I totally understand the fierceness of a mother’s love. How grateful the three of us are to be on the receiving end of that from you! Thanks for loving us (and our babies!) more than we even know. I love you, my mama! Happy Mother’s Day, Mrs. Thomas! We hope you’re having a great Mother’s Day in France, and we look forward to celebrating when you get home!
Happy Mother’s Day, sees! I know Kendall is a thankful little lady to have you as her mama!
And to my super sweet boys-you and your daddy made my Mother’s Day (and every day!) a wonderful one!! I’ve always dreamt of being a mom, but the joys the two of you bring have far exceeded even my wildest dreams! I love you both more than words can say (why am I not a better writer!)!! I feel so blessed to be your mama. I’ll never be able to tell you how honored I am to kiss your boo-boos and hear you say it’s “all better”, rock you and listen to your sweet baby sounds, watch you have a-ha moment after a-ha moment, and see a gummy grin spread across your face just because we caught eyes. Thanks for showing me how fun it is to live in the moment and enjoy all the little things!
(Sam’s in the shadow picture, too! See his little elbow poking out under mine and the edge of his leg at my right side? I don’t want future-Sam to think we left him at home for our Mother’s Day walk!)