Sweet boy of mine, you’re ONE! Happy, happy birthday, love bug! A year has gone by in no time at all and you have grown so much! During your first year, you have proven to be one laid back, easy going little one. And you smile-boy do you smile! There is pretty much no time that I don’t want to eat you up with a spoon! When I say, “Sammy, I just wanna eat you up!” Jack will say, “No, he’s my brudder!” That boy loves you so much-it’s such a gift to see.
You’re a cruiser right now but not a walker. And that’s totally fine! You have the rest of your life to walk-right now I love to see that baby crawl of yours. You’re fast! And you crawl all over the house. You’re so happy being able to chase after your big brother.
You eat like a champ (using your EIGHT teeth!) and will sit in your highchair as long as there’s food on your tray. You’re finished with the bottle (really?!) and are doing a great job with the sippy cup and whole milk.
You’re still a great sleeper waking at 7:30 and going down at 7:30. You have pretty much given up your morning nap but will take a short one if we let you, and your afternoon nap is usually 3 or more hours long. I think all that sleep has helped make you such a happy boy. Daddy and mommy really appreciate it, too!
You have lots of words and when you’re in a talking mood, you’ll repeat what we ask you to say. So far you say dada, momma, Jack, ball, bye- bye, Bible, uh-oh, dat (that), wak (walk)…that’s all I can think of right now! Every once in a while you’ll tell us that a duck says ‘quack’ and a cow says ‘moo’. You love to read books with us, you love to clap your hands, and you’re good at pointing to your (or our) nose(s).
If I ask for a kiss, you put your lips together and then make the kissing sound and it’s the cutest thing!! You’ll also give big, slobbery kisses. Those are fun too, but wet!! You aren’t drooling as much right now, but you wouldn’t know it by those kisses! You’re also giving hugs. Like wrapping your arms around my neck and squeezing! What could possible be sweeter?!
Sweet Sam, you have been the perfect little blessing for our family over the last year! Jack thinks the world of you and, even though he tries to wrestle you a lot, is fiercely protective of you. It’s my prayer that the two of you (and, prayerfully, your future siblings) will be the best of friends and always stand up for each other. Your daddy and I don’t go a day without marveling at you and your brother. We’ll keep doing our best to show you two how very much we love you! We pray that God will continue to bless all your days with health and joy, little one! We love you more than words can say!
Daddy and Mommy
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