A White (day after) Christmas!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

What a treat!  We heard the weather forecast, but to be honest, I didn’t believe it.  So, when I was feeding Sam in the middle of the night and saw the snowflakes coming down, my first thought was that I couldn’t wait to play outside with Jack!  Well, he felt the same way!  He saw the snow when he woke up and wanted to go outside even before breakfast.  He grabbed his shoes, his hat (and put it on!), his gloves, and his coat and mine, and was ready to go!imageMy flash battery was dying, so this is the best I could do to save these funny pictures!  imageimageWe ate breakfast and then bundled up and went outside, but sweet Sam watched his first snow from the warmth of his Moses basket!  Since this was our second snow of the year, we felt like seasoned pros and were ready with his Southern boots again (and my exact same snow outfit)! imageIt was the good kind of snow, too!  Perfect for a snow ball fight!imageimage imageimageimageimageimageimage Oh, what a fun Christmas weekend!image

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