Jack asked his first why question today! We were playing upstairs and then headed downstairs for lunch. He asked where Sam was and I told him he was upstairs taking a nap. He said, “Why, mommy?”
I’m sure it won’t be super cute for long, but today it was!
Why, mommy?
Friday, December 31, 2010
Two Week Well Check
Thursday, December 30, 2010
We had Sam’s first well check with Dr. Trey today, and all is-well! We’re so thankful! He handled his shot like a pro with only one loud squeak. His next visit, two months, will also be Jack’s two year well check. That one should be interesting!
Weight: 10 pounds, 1 ounce-87th percentile
Height: 23 3/4 inches-off the chart
Head Circumference: 15 3/4 inches-97th percentile
My newborn
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
All boy
Monday, December 27, 2010
Jack is loving all his new toys and I’m loving his smart little self! You have to wear your safety glasses if you’re going to shoot a gun, right?!And check out guitar number two! The guitar that Santa brought was very realistic with strings that actually needed to be tightened. Well, tighten one too many times and it’ll break-oops!-but Daddy helped Santa out by running to Target to get a replacement. I think he likes this one better anyway-it’s louder!
I’m going to show Jack these pictures when we ask him to mow the lawn. He loves this thing!
He kept looking outside at the snow that was still on the ground,
but then quickly went back to his ‘work’.
Love this age and all the little boy imagination that comes with it!
Christmas Videos
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Just about anything his daddy does, this little boy either copies or thinks is HILARIOUS! He even laughs when we watch this video!
Merry Christmas!
Christmas with the Thomases
We had plans to celebrate Christmas with the Thomases today, and we’re thankful that the snow didn’t keep them away! We had a great time together and were all spoiled for a second day in a row. Jack always wants to help Mark “fix it”, so he was excited to get his own set of tools!
He had fun playing “It’s hot!” with Uncle Doug and Grandpa,
and learning some guitar skills from Uncle Doug.
Thanks for making the trip up! We’re thankful for your safe travels through our Winter Wonderland!
My heart
A White (day after) Christmas!
What a treat! We heard the weather forecast, but to be honest, I didn’t believe it. So, when I was feeding Sam in the middle of the night and saw the snowflakes coming down, my first thought was that I couldn’t wait to play outside with Jack! Well, he felt the same way! He saw the snow when he woke up and wanted to go outside even before breakfast. He grabbed his shoes, his hat (and put it on!), his gloves, and his coat and mine, and was ready to go!My flash battery was dying, so this is the best I could do to save these funny pictures!
We ate breakfast and then bundled up and went outside, but sweet Sam watched his first snow from the warmth of his Moses basket! Since this was our second snow of the year, we felt like seasoned pros and were ready with his Southern boots again (and my exact same snow outfit)!
It was the good kind of snow, too! Perfect for a snow ball fight!
Oh, what a fun Christmas weekend!
Christmas Night
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Day
After all the excitement of the morning, we got ready for my family to come up to celebrate Christmas Day. Family is such a gift!It was such fun watching Jack and Kendall play with all the toys and have some good cousin fun! I remember saying in last year’s Christmas post that we were looking forward to celebrating Christmas with a new baby in 2010, meaning Kendall. What a blessing to be celebrating with Sam as well! Everyone was so generous to our boys and to us-we had a wonderful day! Here’s just a glimpse.
Oops! Sorry about the finger in the nose G&G!
Sam was there, too!
The day went way too fast, and before we knew it, they were all headed home. Thanks for making the trip-we loved celebrating with you all!