Finger Painting
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
We had another fun Wednesday night at church with some good little friends! Tonight, we full hand finger painted!Mary Mac did a great job,
as did Hane
and Katherine and Lucy. These masterpieces are framers!
The kids’ paintings turned out super cute (I love Jack’s-you can see his handprints in it!),
but look at what Mr. Roger did “real quick before everyone got here.” Amazing! We’re so thankful that he shares his many talents with the children and families of our church!
Welcome, baby Molly!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
The Exersaucer
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Grand Rapids
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sam and I just got back from a quick trip to GR with my mom, and, as usual, it flew by too quickly. I did a terrible job taking pictures of Sam with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins, but he sure loved meeting them! It made me so happy to have my second little Southern boy up North with my incredible family. Sam would smile very easily for Grandpa Great! He would call Sam his ‘boy baby’ and look his way-that’s all it took!
Look at those two smiles! Ohh, I love it!
Sam’s turn in the four generation picture. What a blessing family is!
Although I missed Mark and Jack like crazy, it was so, so nice to spend time with my extended family and especially my grandparents. They all mean the world to me, and I’m thrilled that Sam got to meet them!
Mama, thanks for making the trip with us, and daddy and Linds, thanks for taking care of Jack on Saturday so Mark could enjoy the St. Patrick’s Day Festivities! I know he had a great time!
Things I love
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I love this crazy, silly, funny little boy. His personality is the best.And I love his busy, messy, painted-on hands. They’re so little to me!
And I love that he’s patient with me and lets me take silly pictures, but also reminds me to put the camera down, too. “Mommy, pick me up!” I love when he reaches for me!
Three Months Old
Sweet Sammy-you’re three months old today! It really seems like just yesterday that it was Christmastime and we were wondering when we would hang your stocking. How are you three months old already? You looked just like Jack when you were born, but I think you’re starting to get your own little look.You’re such a laid back little guy and completely go with the flow. You don’t cry much unless it’s bath time. And then you scream. Big time! I’m not sure why you don’t like it, and it’s so sad to hear you cry so hard, sweet boy! You nurse every four or so hours during the day and sleep through the night. At around ten weeks, you gave up your ten o’clock feeding, and I wake you in the morning around seven or seven-thirty. You’re such a super sleeper!
You smile, smile, smile and we love it!! The other morning I was in Bible Study and had you in your carrier at my feet. You were just looking up at me, and as soon as we’d catch eyes you’d give me the biggest smiles! My heart was melting! You’ve giggled a few times, and I cannot wait until those giggles happen more often. That’s one of my favorite things!
And then there’s your big brother. He loves you so much, and you’re starting to really watch him. How can you not when he’s loving you up close, huh?! But you don’t mind that either! Oooh, you’re just the sweetest baby, and we’re oh so thankful you’re ours!
We love you sweet baby! More than you can imagine!
Daddy and Mommy!
Wednesday night fun at Church
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Each Wednesday night we have a class and then our Parish Supper at Church. Tonight, we made a painting to help our family reflect on the season of Lent. Well, let’s just say our painting went awry-big time! And yes, I had to take off his shirt!
I wish I would have taken pictures of the other little ones. Hane was just as messy as Jack, Mary Mac ate the paint brush, and sweet Katherine was pretty neat! Sam was a good boy, too!
It was quite a mess, but we all ended up with some beautiful, meaningful paintings!